This feature is exclusively available for IT EASY CO PTE LTD (IEC) customers in Singapore who have been offered online support. If you have not yet contacted us, please visit our website at (http://www.iteasyco.com) or call our service number at +65 6611 8171 for assistance.


Services We Provide

IEC provides remote assistance to repair or service your IEC product (“Services”) under the terms and conditions stated herein. IEC reserves the right to modify, add, or remove any features of the Services without prior notice. IEC employs reasonable technical safeguards to protect your data during the provision of the Services but does not guarantee risk-free usage. IEC does not warrant the security or confidentiality of your data against unauthorised access and will not be liable for any resulting theft, illegal activities, or damage to your computer, data, or other property due to the use of the Services. You acknowledge that IEC and its third-party suppliers (“Suppliers”) may need to reproduce or use data from your personal computer (“PC”) and you grant IEC a royalty-free licence to do so.

Customer Responsibility

You understandably agree to back up all data, software, and files on your computer disks and drives to prevent loss or corruption before allowing IEC access to your computer. You must remain beside your PC during the provision of the Services and notify IEC if you leave, terminating the Services if necessary. It is your responsibility to have virus protection software installed on your PC to prevent data loss or corruption from viruses or spyware, to the acknowledgment of your use of the Service. 

Disclaimer & Release of Liability

You acknowledge that IEC’s remote access to your PC is made possible via the Internet (through an Internet Service Provider), which you are responsible for maintaining, and through the Supplier. You agree and understand that the use of the Services is at your own, sole risk. IEC makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding third-party actions or services, or claims that the Services do not infringe third-party rights. IEC is not liable for any injury or damage, including but not limited to, personal injury, property damage, loss of profit, data loss, or other consequential damages arising from the use of the Services.

Release of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, you release IEC from all liability arising from or related to the use of the Services and related technology.


You are responsible for all activities associated with your use of the Services. You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold IEC and its staff harmless from any liabilities, claims, and costs arising from your breach of these Terms and Conditions or your use of the Services.

Proprietary Right

IEC retains ownership of all proprietary rights in the Services and their use, including materials on and linked to this website, such as text, data, documents, diagrams, trademarks, and logos (“Contents”). All rights, title, and interest in the Contents are owned and controlled by IEC.

Controlling (Singapore) Law

These terms of use are governed and construed by the laws of the Republic of Singapore. Both parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts for any claims arising under this Agreement. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions creates any duty or liability to any person who is not a party to this Agreement, and such third parties have no right to enforce any provisions under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act Cap 53B.


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